While we are extremely proud of our dogs’ show accomplishments we are even more proud of their other accomplishments.
Here are photos of some of the other things that dogs we have bred or dogs by our stud dogs get up to.
BLACKHILLS IMPOSING (POZER) And his owner Trae, Trae is a Disabled swimmer and now “Pozer” is a registered member of the Australian Swim Team bound for Canada in 2019. Many Thanks to Margaret Wedgewood (Tenarda Labradors and Chessies in Australia ) for the training of this lovely boy, I wish Trae and Pozer every success in Canada
BLACKHILLS COOL TIA MARIA (Owners Garry and Janice McDury ) Delivering her bird nicely to hand. Tia is from our very first Lars litter.
And who could forget the story of Mahe (Sarasota No Body but you) and his young owner. Bred by Libby Henderson (Sarasota Labradors), this lovely black boy is also a Lars son.
BLACKHILLS FOLLOW ME SAMSON Retrieving his dummy in Australia for his Owner Kerri Underwood. We are so pleased with this boy and his recent Best in show in May 2017 Under Marion Lyons (Chocorua Labradors USA)
Some of Otis' haul of ribbons
Lars NZ CH Kroppsmarken Simply The Best (IMP Sweden) SE U(U) CH Annuals Trendsetter X Kroppsmarken Just Me
RBISS NZ CH Willowspring Blues Magic (AI) Otis and Ari's mum Breeze has done it again, for the second time in 2 years she has been awarded the bitch CC, First in 2012 under Richard Edwards ( "Lasgarn", UK ). She also won NZbred in show. And she did it again in July 2013 but added a RBISS under Dr Guillermo Carrillo ('Tequilabs' Mexico)
And her Daughter New Zealand Champ Blackhills Arianna (AI) Mulit Champ Charm Bluveil Mr Darcy X NZCH Willowspring Blues Magic (AI)
BISS RBISS NZ CH BEROLEE WILLIAM TRIGG (IMP UK) Kroppsmarken Hubble Bubble Over Thurbajen X Berolee Blues Singer
BISS RBISS NZ CH BEROLEE WILLIAM TRIGG (IMP UK) Kroppsmarken Hubble Bubble Over Thurbajen X Berolee Blues Singer
AUST and New Zealand CH RIVERLANDS WALK THE LINE (AI) IMP AUST (Cash) Mallons Romeo X Riverlands Back in Black
OTIS BISS NZCH Blackhills Michelangelo (AI) Muilti Ch Charm Blu Veil Mr Darcy Trialer (USA) Living in Italy X NZCH Willowspring Blues Magic (ai)
NZ CH BLACKHILLS STOWAWAY Gunnislake Kashmir Lancer ( imp Aust) X Blackhills In Angels Image